The first responsibility of any medical-legal evaluator is to demonstrate the patient’s credibility.  One measure of credibility is the objective psychological test scores in the doctor’s report.  There are three psychological tests often found in medical-legal reports that are capable of providing such data:  the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), the Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Test (16PF) and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI).  A discussion of these tests can be found in my book Psychological Evaluations in Litigation:  A Guide for Attorneys and Insurance Adjusters that can be read or downloaded for free at where you can also find copies of my monthly newsletters addressing psychological testing in detail.  An attorney can prepare for a deposition or trial by determining if the scores indicate that the patient was exaggerating, embellishing, over-reporting or attempting to simulate symptoms or telling the truth.

More tips and free tools for help in cross-examining psych doctors and preparing briefs for the court can be found at Dr. Leckart’s website: