A Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is commonly diagnosed in medical-legal evaluations. This disorder is diagnosed correctly when an individual has been exposed to an extreme life-threatening traumatic stressor that has led to the development of a set of characteristic signs and/or symptoms. Such traumatic events include, but are not limited to, military combat, violent personal assault, being kidnapped, being taken hostage, terrorists attack, torture, incarceration as a prisoner of war, natural or man-made disasters, severe automobile accidents or being diagnosed with a life threatening illness.
More help for cross-examining psych doctors can be found at my website (www.drleckartwetc.com) and in my book Psychological Evaluations In Litigation: A Practical Guide for Attorneys and Insurance Adjusters
Check out my blog (http://drleckart.blogspot.com).
DrLeckartWETC@gmail.com, (844) 444-8898
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