Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Control the Outcome of a Psych Doctor's Testimony
Let’s start out with something that will sound outrageous. I’ve been conducting personal injury and workers’ compensation evaluations on individuals claiming a psych injury for a little over 30 years. In those years I have evaluated somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 individuals. I also have read far in excess of 10,000 psych reports. Now here is the outrageous part.  In 30+ years I have not found a single report that did not contain sufficient flaws to destroy the report’s credibility!

If you’re like most attorneys you are skilled in the law but have not been trained as a psych doctor. This gives the doctor the advantage and often puts you at their mercy. As an alternative there is a way to get the power needed to control the deposition’s outcome. You can get that power with an Apricot™ 

An Apricot™ describes a psych report’s flaws in jargon-free English, provides you with all the supporting technical data in simple terms, and gives you an extensive list of simply worded questions that will get those flaws on the record.  These questions take the doctor down the path, one little step at a time, where they don’t have any credible alternative but to admit that their report does not contain sufficient information to support their conclusions. Best yet, an Apricot™ is a work product privileged report that is useful in any jurisdiction and not discoverable.

Not sure if this is true? Do you think I can deliver? Go to my website atwww.DrLeckartWETC.com and view one or more sample Apricots™ and imagine how one would give you the power and control over the doctor to win your case!  If looking at the samples doesn’t convince you, just send me a copy of that horrible report and I’ll call you and tell you just where all the flaws are and how much it will cost your client to get all the documentation and questions you need to win your case.

(844) 444-8898

Monday, October 24, 2016

Cross Examining Psych Doctors - Tip #54-Doctor-Created Diagnostic Ambiguity
When doctors take it upon themselves to add a modifier or specifier to their diagnosis where such a modifier or specifier is not permitted by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) all they have succeeded in doing is creating ambiguity in their opinions. The use of modifiers or specifiers created by the doctors results in a situation where their diagnosis is ambiguous as those creations have no generally understood meaning in DSM terminology.

Email me: drleckartwetc@gmail.com Check out my blog (http://drleckart.blogspot.com). More help can be found at my website (www.drleckartwetc.com) and in my book Psychological Evaluations In Litigation: A Practical Guide for Attorneys and Insurance Adjusters

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Cross Examining Psych Doctors - Tip #53-Identifying an Incomplete Major Depressive Disorder Diagnosis
In order to diagnose a Major Depressive Disorder correctly it is necessary to specify whether the disorder is of the Recurrent or Single Episode variety and to record the severity of the disorder. In Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) terminology the doctor is also required to provide a 5-digit numerical diagnostic code that allows the reader to work backwards and determine the full nature of the disorder if not described verbally. Thus, when a doctor provides a diagnosis of a Major Depressive Disorder, but declines to state if that disorder is of the Single Episode or Recurrent variety and/or declines to record the severity of the Major Depressive Disorder, then their diagnosis is incomplete.

Check out my blog (http://drleckart.blogspot.com). More help can be found at my website (www.drleckartwetc.com) and in my book Psychological Evaluations In Litigation: A Practical Guide for Attorneys and Insurance Adjusters   Email me at drleckartwetc@gmail.com

Friday, October 7, 2016

Cross Examining Psych Doctors - Tip #52-Deciding Between a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist for Medical-Legal Evaluations
The major differences between psychologists and psychiatrists are their training in psychological tests and psychotropic medications.  Psychologists typically have considerably more training and experience in administering and interpreting psychological tests.  Those tests are invaluable in providing data and insights into an individual’s credibility and possible psychopathology.  If you are concerned with the diagnosis of a mental disorder, the psychologist is in a better position to provide objective data concerning the person’s psychological status by using psychological tests.  However, once you know that a person has a specific disorder that is amenable or treatable with medication, the psychiatrist is the person who can intervene to provide that care.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Fifteen Ideas That Can Drive You "Crazy"
Everyone talks to themselves.  Unfortunately, sometimes the things we say to ourselves are less than productive.  In fact, some of our internal dialogues can make us “crazy.”  Here is the fourth of the “Big Fifteen.”

     4. If something bad happens to me it's "awful."